
Gonzaga Fathers Club

Welcome to the Gonzaga Fathers Club!

Welcome to the Gonzaga Fathers Club (GFC)! The GFC creates fellowship among fathers and male guardians of Gonzaga students and supports Gonzaga’s mission of creating Men for and with Others through volunteerism and social activities. Just as Gonzaga students become part of the Eye Street community for a lifetime, Gonzaga families are vital members of the Gonzaga family. The GFC provides opportunities for dads and male guardians to get involved in Eye Street, make new friendships, and support their sons’ journeys as Men for Others through regular service opportunities.
Whether it is selling tickets for football and basketball games, participating in the 5th Annual Gonzaga National Day of Service, attending the 77th annual Father-Son Mass and Breakfast, helping with the 35th  DC Classic basketball tournament, or serving others through volunteerism, I encourage you to get involved. The GFC hosts monthly Men for Others gatherings, where we socialize and hear valuable insights from Gonzaga teachers, coaches, administrators, and other invited speakers. The GFC will post a schedule of events on this website so please visit us regularly to stay informed. We will also send out regular reminders and notices of upcoming events.
In the meantime, thank you for visiting our website. The GFC is thrilled by your interest and looks forward to giving you opportunities to get involved and be Men for Others. I look forward to seeing you on Eye Street.
Thanks much, please contact me with any questions, and, as always, God Is Purple!
Randy Stone ’90 (Daniel ’26)
GFC President
Cell: 301-770-0277

Volunteer Opportunities

List of 11 items.

  • Grandparents Day Mass & Brunch

    The Fathers Club proudly supports this important annual event to celebrate Grandparents and all they mean to the Men of Eye Street. Father volunteers direct attendees to mass and the brunch. Please contact Randy Stone for more information. Event Date: Sunday, September 29, 2024
  • New Families Welcome Picnic

    The Fathers Club joins the Mothers Club serving our incoming freshman and transfer families on Eye Street following a welcome presentation in the Sheehy Theater. The picnic is a stellar way to meet incoming families and introduce the Fathers Club to new dads and guardians. For more information, please contact Randy StoneEvent Date: Tuesday, August 20, 2024

  • Football Ticket Sales

    The Fathers Club sells tickets at all home football games. This is a great way to meet fellow dads and guardians and enjoy Gonzaga football. For details, please contact  Stephen McPhailEvent Dates: Fridays, September 6, 13, 20 and 27, 2024 at 6:30 pm and Saturdays, October 12 and 26, 2024 at 2 pm. Go Eagles!
  • Open House

    This event is a critical opportunity for prospective students and their families to learn more about Gonzaga and tour campus. Gonzaga dads guide prospective families from the parking lots to the Carmody Center and remain available throughout the school to answer questions. For more information, please contact Nick Brady Event Date: Sunday, November 24, 2024
  • DC Classic

    The annual Gonzaga DC Classic brings top high school teams from across the country to Eye Street. The DC Classic is the Fathers Club primary annual fundraiser and directly supports Gonzaga’s summer service projects. Be part of great basketball supporting good works! For more information please contact  Brian Coll  or Mike WilliamsEvent Dates: Friday, December 13 – Sunday, December 15, 2024

  • Freshman Retreat

    A formative experience for Gonzaga freshmen, this weekend retreat occurs each year in January. The Fathers Club provides water and soda for the Friday evening session and serves as overnight chaperones during the sleepover at school on Saturday night. Please contact Randy Stone for more information. Event Dates: January 17-19, 2025
  • Mother-Son Mass and Celebration

    Dads set tables and chairs in the Carmody Center the day before this cherished annual event. On the day of the Celebration, we come together for Mass in the chapel and prepare breakfast, set tables, and serve breakfast to mothers and sons. Our volunteer coordinator is Kyle Cruley, please contact him for more information. Event Date: Sunday, March 9, 2025
  • Father-Son Service Project

    The foundation of a Gonzaga education is learning the importance of being Men for Others. The Fathers Club will plan service opportunities throughout the academic year both on Eye Street and in the Washington DC area. Fathers and guardians can be role models as Men for Others and enjoy serving with and for others. Please contact Randy Stone for more information. Event Dates: To be determined
  • 5th Annnual National Day of Service

    This year will mark the 5th Annual Gonzaga National Day of Service. The event highlights being Men for Others and coordinates and advertises events throughout the Nation and in local communities. For more information, please contact Randy StoneEvent Date: March 22, 2025
  • 77th Annual Father-Son Mass & Breakfast

    The Father-Son Communion Breakfast begins with a morning mass at St. Al’s and is followed by brunch at the Hyatt Regency on Capitol Hill. A longstanding tradition, this year marks the 77th Father-Son Communion Breakfast. Volunteers serve as ushers in the church and guide attendees to the hotel ballroom. For more information, please contact Randy Stone or Nick Brady. Event Date: Sunday, May 4, 2025
  • Commencement

    The Fathers Club serves as ushers and provides logistical support throughout the day. For more information, please contact Randy StoneEvent Dates: Baccalaureate Mass and reception: Saturday, May 31, 2025; Commencement: Sunday, June 1, 2025

GFC Leadership

Randy Stone, President
George Sifakis, VP, Communications
Steve McPhail, VP, Event Ticket Sales
Ernest Wyatt, VP, Meetings
Steve Staton, Treasurer
Brian Coll, VP, Gonzaga DC Classic
Event Coordinators
Nick Brady, VP, 77th Annual Father-Son Mass & Breakfast
Randy Stone, VP, 5th Annual National Day of Service

Upcoming Meetings and Events

List of 3 events.

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