The oldest all-boys school in Washington, DC, Gonzaga has a rich legacy that stretches back more than 200 years. Over the course of that history, Gonzaga has demonstrated and reaffirmed a deep commitment to Jesuit education. And it has chosen to do so in the heart of the inner city—on a street shared with leaders of business and government, and on a block where it ministers to the least fortunate in society.
At times, our location was seen as a liability. But the decision to remain on Eye Street was driven by the recognition that where we are plays a major role in shaping who we are. Today, Gonzaga’s downtown location is one of the many reasons for our success. Three blocks from the Metro and the main railway line at Union Station, Gonzaga draws students from all over the Washington area. Our location also reinforces our commitment to service. Located on Gonzaga’s campus, The Father McKenna Center is a Catholic social service agency serving men struggling with homelessness as well as very low income families.
Throughout Gonzaga’s history, our mission has always been the same: educating Men for Others, and following the Jesuit vision as inspired by the life and teachings of Jesus Christ.
The original building, which was on the north side of F Street, NW, between 9th and 10th streets, was intended to become a House of Novices for the Jesuits. But after standing empty, the Jesuits started a House of Philosophy for Jesuit Scholastics in 1820. In the months that followed, Washingtonians began asking the Jesuits to allow their sons into the college (which was originally under the charter of Georgetown College), not to become Jesuits, but for a good basic education. The Jesuits agreed, and the Washington Seminary, as Gonzaga was originally called, began classes for lay students in 1821.
Although the school flourished, it was a day school only and was not endowed. The only way to pay for the running of the school was to charge tuition, which was against the rules of the Society of Jesus at that time. So after much prompting from Rome, and many attempts to disguise the fact that they were charging tuition, the Jesuits left the Washington Seminary.
After the Jesuits left, the small school continued to operate in the building on F Street, where it stood next to the old St. Patrick's Church, the city's oldest Catholic parish. The rector, Fr. Matthews, tried to bring the Jesuits back to the school many times. Even though the rules against tuition were changed in Rome in 1833, it took another 15 years for the Jesuits to return.
Before that, the school had still been operating under the charter of Georgetown College. A copy of the signed Charter—dated May 4, 1858—hangs outside the Headmaster's Office today.
Gonzaga's original building was on the north side of F Street, NW, between 9th and 10th streets.
Early in its history, Gonzaga had a Cadet program.
An early Gonzaga Baseball team.
St Al's was built in 1859.
Sheehy Theater was originally called Gonzaga College Hall.
This photo, taken in 1901, shows the interior of what's now Sheehy Theater.
President Taft on the steps of St Al's in 1909.
Dooley Hall opened in 1912.
The seal in Dooley Hall, which faculty and students still take care not to step on when walking by.
Jesuit Father Benedict Sestini, a Mathematics teacher at Georgetown University, was the church's architect. The painting above the altar, showing Aloysius Gonzaga receiving his first Holy Communion from Cardinal Charles Borromeo, was created by Constantino Brumidi, who is famous for painting the frescoes in the rotunda of the United States Capitol.
When the church was formally dedicated in 1859, the New York Times wrote, "In internal architectural beauty, it is said not to be surpassed by any church in the world.''
The building was located on Eye Street, N.W., and was built in the 1860s as an orphanage—today that building is Kohlmann Hall. At that time, there were very few buildings in the area, and the move turned out be nearly disastrous. There were so few people living in the area that enrollment dropped precipitously, and there was a real question about the survival of the school. But the neighborhood gradually expanded, the number of applicants increased, and by Gonzaga’s 75th anniversary in 1896, the school was ready to expand.
The oldest continually operating theater in the old federal city of Washington, the Sheehy Theater has hosted hundreds of student performances. Even music luminaries such as John Philip Sousa and Kate Smith have graced its stage.
The facade, looking out onto Eye Street (which was a regular street, with houses on the other side until the 1970s) incorporated the old facade of the theater, so that the two buildings looked like one.
The 1926 Gonzaga Football team finished with a perfect record of 6-0. In addition to being unbeaten, no team scored on them, and no opponent crossed the 50 yard line the entire season.
In 1944, according to the Aetonian, there were 611 Gonzaga students serving in the Armed Forces. A well-known photo (which you can see at right) in that same edition of the yearbook shows a group of students standing on the stairs of Dooley Hall before they left for war. Beneath it the caption said:
"We, who in January depart from the hallowed halls of Gonzaga in order to be ready to rally to the standard of our country, pause to pay tribute to the alumni of former years, now engaged in the momentous task of defending their Flag and the principles for which it stands. May we, proud in the possession of the same ideals and moulded by the same universally acclaimed educational system, also render insignis when our country beckons us."
Known affectionately as "The Coach" to generations of Gonzaga students, Kozik coached football, baseball, and basketball, taught history, biology, religion, and physical education, and served as the school's athletic director. In 1951, he fielded D.C.'s first integrated football team.
Smith grew up in rural Ridge, Maryland, where his pastor at St. Peter Claver Church was Father Horace McKenna, SJ, who encouraged Smith to attend Gonzaga. In 1954, he became the school's first African American graduate. Click here to read a story from The Washington Post about Smith and his years at Gonzaga.
A photo of Gonzaga's Centennial Celebration.
Members of Gonzaga's 1926 Football team, which was unbeaten and unscored upon.
A group of students who served in the Armed Forces during World War II stands on the stairs of Dooley Hall before departing for war.
A page from the 1944 Aentonian. Beneath the photo it says: "Number of known students in the Armed Forces, 611."
In 1954, Gabe Smith became the first African American to graduate from Gonzaga.
This photo, which appeared in the 1957 yearbook, shows several boys walking up the stairs of Dooley Hall. You can see several rowhouses lining Eye Street behind them.
Coach Joe Kozik
A Pep Rally in the Old Quad in 1969. This space is now the Arrupe Commons.
The dedication of Buchanan Field in 1973.
A football game on Buchanan Field in 1976.
Basketball great Tom Sluby '80.
This photo shows Father Horace B. McKenna, SJ, opening the door to what's now The McKenna Center, in the basement of St. Al's.
Mother Theresa of Calcutta spoke at Gonzaga's Commencement in 1988.
During the city-wide riots of 1968, which took place in the wake of the assassination of Civil Rights activist Reverend Martin Luther King Jr., fires could be seen all around Gonzaga’s campus. Thankfully, Gonzaga and St. Aloysius Church were spared.
During the early 1970s, the school's enrollment began to fall, and serious thought was given to closing Gonzaga altogether—or at least moving to the Maryland or Virginia suburbs.
During this difficult time for the school, the Maryland Province of Jesuits declared its total commitment to Gonzaga as a school serving Washington’s inner city. It sent Jesuits there to show its confidence in the school, and as a tangible sign of committing to staying on Eye Street, the school obtained its playing field in 1973.
Named in honor of Fr. Horace B. McKenna, S.J., the McKenna Center is a day shelter for homeless men that operates in the basement of St. Aloysius Church. Gonzaga students frequently volunteer to serve lunch in the shelter, and help the men there in other ways.
Today, St. Al’s continues to play a pivotal role in the life of Gonzaga—the entire student body gathers there for regular Mass and assemblies, and for commencement each year.
The renovation added an adjoining two-story Theater Arts Center, incorporated state-of-the-art lighting and sound equipment, and reconfigured the space to accommodate 799 seats. As part of the same campaign, the Carmody Center was expanded and now includes locker rooms and a strength and conditioning center.
The renovation project closed Eye Street to cars and transformed it into a gathering place. It also created a new stadium with a turf field and incorporated a 300-space underground parking garage.
In addition, the Forever Gonzaga Bicentennial Campaign officially launched -- a historic fundraising effort that is a celebration of our school's history as well as a commitment to continued excellence on Eye Street. To read more about the campaign, please click here.
On May 15, 2023 -- the same day that students celebrated Charter Day in St. Aloysius Church -- Father Lingan announced the successful completion of the Forever Gonzaga Bicentennial Campaign. In a letter to the community, he wrote: "I am honored to announce that through a combination of current gifts to capital projects, significant gifts to our endowment, as well as thoughtful estate or planned gifts that Gonzaga will receive in the years to come, we did not just meet our ambitious goal, but surpassed it. Thanks to the enormous generosity of so many members of our Gonzaga community, I am both tremendously heartened and humbled to announce that we raised more than $80 million during this historic campaign!"
To read the full letter and watch a video expressing our gratitude, click here.
The restored windows and ceiling of St. Aloysius Church.
Taken in 2000, this photo shows the renovation of what's now Reusch and Cantwell Halls.
The Collins Quad
The Collins Rotunda now joins Reusch and Cantwell Halls.
The Carmody Center entrance today.
The Arrupe Commons, formerly the Old Quad.
The expanded Carmody Center
The 2013 expansion of the Carmody Center included adding the Sheridan Strength and Conditioning Center.
The renovated Sheehy Theater
Taken in June 2014, this photo shows the beginning of construction for the Eye Street Renewal Project.
The new Eye Street Campus opened in 2015.
A view of the Eye Street Campus from the Alumni Pavilion.
Celebrating 200 Years of Jesuit Education in the Nation's Capital