As a Gonzaga parent, you are a member of a close-knit community with a long history of fellowship and service.
Both the Gonzaga Mothers Club and the Gonzaga Fathers Club play very important roles in our school community. They organize events, raise money, volunteer, and support our boys in all of their endeavors. For more information on how to get involved with either of these groups, please visit the GMC page or GFC page on this website.
We know that lots of questions often come up, especially when you are new to the school. Below are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions by new parents. We hope they are helpful. You’ll also find lots of useful information in the front of the Gonzaga Student Planner as well as the Student-Parent Handbook.
Thank you for choosing Gonzaga for your son. We’re grateful for all that you do to make our school community such a success.
Gonzaga generally follows the decisions of the Montgomery County Public School system for weather-related closings or delays. If Montgomery County Public Schools cancel classes, Gonzaga's classes are also cancelled. If Montgomery County has a delayed opening of any length, Gonzaga opens at 9:30am.
Gonzaga reserves the right to broadcast its own announcements should conditions dictate. If Gonzaga chooses to depart from the decision of Montgomery County Maryland Public Schools, sufficient notice will be given to students and families via email broadcast, social media messaging, and a post on the main Gonzaga webpage (
On days when access to campus is restricted due to weather related or other emergencies, the Headmaster may call for “Continuity of Learning” (COL) days. On such days, it is the expectation that faculty and students are actively engaged with one another through the use of Canvas. On these days, testing may occur and new assignments may be assigned and due. Notice will be given to students and families via email and Canvas broadcast.
Because Gonzaga is a regional school, there may be great variance in the weather conditions affecting our students. Parents should always use their own judgment about allowing their sons to travel.
When you log into Gonzaga's parent portal, you have access to a digital directory that can be sorted by ZIP code. We hope this information is helpful to families that are looking for potential carpools.
A list of GMC Board contacts can be found on the Gonzaga Mothers Club web page. A directory is also available on Parent Resource Boards, which you can see when you log into Gonzaga's website.