Stock Gifts

Donations of appreciated stock or securities are an easy and cost‐effective way to support Gonzaga. When you transfer ownership of holdings, you receive a charitable deduction for their full market value—and incur no capital gains tax (subject to IRS deduction limits). 
Two important steps help ensure that your gift is received and recognized in a timely way:
1) When making a gift of stock through a broker, it is helpful if you notify the school of your intention to do so by visiting our secure partner site here. Your broker will be able to obtain all the information they need to execute the stock gift and also let Gonzaga know that a gift of stock is forthcoming.
2) The following information is needed when making a gift of stock: 
Account name: Gonzaga College High School 
Account number: 749‐04H62 
DTC number: 8862 
Tax ID number: 53‐0204703 
Broker contact: Michael H. Kirvan 
First Vice President‐Investments 
Merrill Lynch 
1152 15th St. N.W. Suite 6000 
Washington, D.C. 20005 
Phone: 202‐659‐7349  
If you have any questions or need more information regarding stock gifts, don't hesitate to reach out to David Dugan, Senior Vice President of Advancement at Gonzaga, at or 202-370-5354.
As always, we are grateful for your generous support of Gonzaga!
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