Alumni Gather to Honor Keith-Sean Lindsey '84

On November 11, 2021, a group of alumni -- primarily from the Class of 1984 but also from several other 1980’s classes -- gathered to honor the legacy of Keith-Sean Lindsey '84 and to invigorate his endowed scholarship fund. 

Scott McCaleb ’84, whose son Luke McCaleb ’16 received the Keith-Sean Lindsey award at Gonzaga, was the host of the evening, and shared some memories of Keith-Sean. He talked about his vision for the fund, which was established in 1989 and supports tuition assistance for sons of Gonzaga African-American alumni. He said his and Gonzaga's goal is for the fund to exceed $1 million -- double the goal that was set initially.

After Scott spoke, Father Lingan, SJ '75 introduced Keitha Lindsey, Keith-Sean's mother, who talked about her son's love of Eye Street. John Thompson III ’84 closed the evening, reminding those gathered of Keith-Sean’s senior quote in the Aetonian: "We cannot quit!”

We hope you enjoy these photos from the evening. And if you would like to make a gift to the Keith-Sean Lindsey '84 Endowed Scholarship Fund, please click here. 
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