Holocaust Survivor Mrs. Louise Lawrence-Israels Speaks at Gonzaga

On Tuesday, October 15, Holocaust survivor Mrs. Louise Lawrence-Israels spoke to the sophomore class about her family’s Holocaust experience, which involved hiding in an Amsterdam attic for two and a half years before their liberation in 1945. Despite daily struggles with hunger, fear and danger, her parents worked hard to create a joyful and happy existence for Louise, her brother, and the young family friend who hid with them. 

Students asked thoughtful questions of Mrs. Lawrence-Israels, who talked about the importance of speaking about her history. “If you don’t talk now, there will come a time when people will say it never happened.” She also encouraged students to stand up for what is right. “Don’t let hatred run rampant. Care about one another. We are all part of one human family.”

Sophomores at Gonzaga study the history of the Jewish people in their religion, history, and English courses, and will visit the US Holocaust Memorial Museum in November. In addition to having the opportunity to hear Mrs. Lawrence-Israels' story, students took part in an interfaith prayer service led by RJ Jacobs, one of Gonzaga’s Jesuit Regents, and Rabbi Abbi Sharofsky from the Jewish Community Relations Council.
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