Gonzaga Student Vaccination Policy

For the 2021-2022 school year, Gonzaga policy will require all students to be vaccinated, including the Covid-19 vaccination, and provide proof of such vaccinations to the school.  This policy is consistent with our past vaccination requirements, and has been updated in light of the pandemic for the health and safety of our school community, but also to help ensure that Gonzaga can return to normal school operations -- including full in-person learning -- for the coming year.
The Gonzaga College High School enrollment contract, which all families sign, stipulates (among other related items) that Parents/Guardians "agree to comply with the School’s infectious and communicable disease policy and to follow and comply with instructions and other directions established by the School. Parents understand that this includes, but is not necessarily limited to, compliance with the School’s policy regarding required immunizations, vaccinations, testing for communicable diseases, as well as providing the School with required health records and other such documentation."

Gonzaga is requiring that all students receive the Covid-19 vaccination prior to the start of the school year. In addition, Gonzaga strongly encourages students to receive the 2021 influenza vaccine when it becomes available. This policy is consistent with our past vaccination requirements, and has been updated in light of the pandemic for the health and safety of our school community, but also to help ensure that Gonzaga can return to normal school operations -- including full in-person learning -- for the coming year.

Under Federal and DC law there are limited exemptions from vaccination: in the case of either an underlying medical condition that preclude a student from receiving the vaccine; or a sincerely-held religious belief -- consistent with doctrines of the faith background in which the family is actively participating -- that would result in vaccination being considered morally objectionable to practitioners of that faith.

In order to obtain a medical or religious exemption, families must proactively provide third-party documentation.  In the case of a medical exemption, a letter from the student's physician verifying the medical condition that causes the need for the exemption and stating the need for an exemption is required.  In the case of a religious exemption, a  letter is needed from a religious leader of the family’s center of faith practice authenticating the family's active participation in that faith community, as well as a statement authenticating why the vaccine is inconsistent with that particular faith's established belief system.  Please note that a request for a religious exemption may be granted at Gonzaga's sole discretion, based on the documentation provided. 
Note that the Catholic faith does not find the Covid-19 vaccine morally objectionable.  Rather -- as recent publications / statements from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, the US Catholic Conference of Bishops,  and Washington Cardinal Wilton Gregory have all reinforced -- receiving the vaccine is consistent with Catholic teaching around promotion of the common good and protection of vulnerable populations.  Parents who are practicing Catholics with concerns about the vaccine are asked to consider these documents and contact the Headmaster if they have continuing concerns based on religious grounds.

Also, due to mask-wearing, social distancing, cohorting, and quarantining, the past year the school and the community overall experienced significantly fewer incidents of seasonal influenza.  As a result, wide swaths of the population did not experience exposure or individual immunity to this season’s flu strains that would otherwise have occurred.  Because of this, medical experts anticipate that the flu will be considerably worse in 2021-2022 than in recent years.  

As a result, and again to provide the safest school setting reasonably possible, Gonzaga is strongly encouraging all faculty, staff and students to receive the flu vaccine during the 2021-2022 school year as soon as the vaccinations become available.    

List of 6 items.

  • What vaccinations are currently required in order for my son to attend Gonzaga?

    All Gonzaga students are required to receive all of the vaccines that are required by D.C. Health on the Universal Health Form. In addition, as of the 2021-2022 school year, the Covid-19 vaccination is also required. We are also strongly encouraging all students to receive a flu vaccine.
  • How do I submit my son's health information to the school?

    Any parent or guardian can log into the Gonzaga website at www.gonzaga.org.  Under "Posts," users will see a login to Magnus Health. Click on that link to be taken to your Magnus Health portal, which is where all medical information needed by the school is provided by Parents/Guardians, including vaccine information and the DC Universal Health Certificate, as well as other required health information. The COVID-19 Vaccination Record is now a stand-alone queue in your portal in Magnus. Parents, even if they have already sent their son's vaccine card to Nurse Harper, must do it again here. 
  • What if I have already submitted my son's Covid vaccination card?

    Even if you have already submitted your son's Vaccine Card to Nurse Harper, you still must upload it to your son's Magnus account.  Going forward, this is how we will be tracking Covid Vaccine compliance.  Our hope is to capture this data only once and you will not need to do this every year.  If a booster dose is recommended, we will proceed accordingly.
  • How do I submit a request for exemption from vaccinations?

    As stated above, the only forms of exemptions that Gonzaga will accept are medical and religious.  
    Medical exemptions are to be completed by the student's health care practitioner and provide documentation of the medical condition that causes the need for the exemption and stating the specific need for an exemption.  These forms should be uploaded to the appropriate section on Magnus Health.
    Religious exemptions must stem from a sincerely held religious belief, documented by a letter from a religious leader of the family’s center of faith practice, authenticating why the vaccine is inconsistent with that particular faith's established belief system, as well as authenticating the family's active participation in that faith community.  This documentation should be uploaded to the appropriate section on Magnus Health, as well as sent to the Headmaster.
  • What are the consequences of a student not being vaccinated?

    Per the enrollment contract, students not in compliance with Gonzaga's vaccination policy will not be able to attend school at Gonzaga.  Unlike the 2020-21 school year, Gonzaga does not intend to offer the option of distance learning unless absolutely required to do so, and so attendance on campus will be mandatory.  In addition, students not in compliance with the policy will be unable to participate in extracurricular activities, including athletics.
    Parents or guardians with strong personal objections to vaccines (not medical or religious) who do not intend to have their son vaccinated for Covid-19 or receive other vaccines should contact the Headmaster's Office as soon as possible to discuss withdrawal from the school.  Exceptions to the vaccination policy will not be made.
  • If my son receives a religious or medical exemption and is unvaccinated as a result, how will that impact his schedule or activities on campus?

    Students who are exempt from vaccination due to medical or religious reasons will be required to take the following steps to help mitigate the possibility of coming into close contact with other students and causing them to be quarantined in the event the unvaccinated student contracts or is exposed to COVID-19.  This list may change as situations dictate.
    1. Daily health screening by using the health screening app provided by Gonzaga. Similar to the 2020-21 school year, parents will be required to complete a daily health screening for their son. Upon arrival to campus, he must present his virtual “green badge” confirming that he is symptom free at the Student Services Office prior to the start of classes each day.  
    2. Masking is required while on Gonzaga’s campus, both indoors and outdoors, with the exception of when eating lunch.
    3. As eating has been one of the primary causes of quarantine for students and faculty, unvaccinated students will be required to eat outdoors and at a 3-foot distance from other students OR in a designated indoor area for unvaccinated students, occupancy of which will be limited due to 6-foot social distancing that will be in place. Please note, due to the nature of Gonzaga’s personalized academic program, this will mean that unvaccinated students will not be able to choose who they eat lunch with on a daily basis. 
    4. Inability to participate in high risk/high contact activities, including:
      1. Choral, Band and Gonzaga Dramatic Association ensembles (Stage Crew is permissible);
      2. The following sports: soccer, football, basketball, lacrosse, wrestling, indoor track, water polo, hockey, squash, rugby;
      3. Any additional indoor activities where unmasking is required for participation. 
    5. Weekly Covid19 testing, at the student's family’s expense and at a facility of their choosing, with results provided to Gonaga’s School Nurse, Mrs. Amy Harper, at aharper@gonzaga.org by Monday of each week that school is in session. 
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